Results for: "BT2"
Marina Da Luz Herbert Portrait

Marina Da Luz Herbert

Marina is a BASEWORKS Practice Tier 2 Certified Teacher (BT2). Marina was born and raised in Brazil and is a mother of 2. Marina has a degree in international trade with a background in finance. Upon moving to Japan from Switzerland, Marina had the desire to further her study in movement. In search for a

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Hitomi Okamoto Portrait

Hitomi Okamoto

Hitomi is a BASEWORKS Practice Tier 2 Certified Teacher (BT2). Interested in the inherent state of human beings, currently pursuing studies in oriental medicine. Impressed by BASEWORKS Practice structure’s approach to injury prevention, completed the BASEWORKS Practice Teacher Training. Hitomi hopes to share her insights and mind-body changes through continual practice.

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Portrait Photograph of Asia Shcherbakova with her hair tied up.

Asia Shcherbakova

Asia (Ksenia) Shcherbakova (Asia pronounced Asha) was born in Saint Petersburg, Russia. With her father being a physicist, she grew up having immediate answers to all her questions about the world, from subatomic particles to galaxies. This stimulated both her curiosity about the world and the sense that nature was complex but cognizable.  Utilizing the

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Akiko Kubota Portrait

Akiko Kubota

Akiko is a BASEWORKS Tier 2 Practice Certified Teacher (BT2). Akiko learned of BASEWORKS Practice when she started to practice for health reasons. Her affinity with the BASEWORKS Practice System is linked to its design from the perspective of what is anatomically safe and sustainable. Akiko has a degree in International and Cultural Studies and

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