Results for: "ASIA"
Shinobu Nakano Portrait

Shinobu Nakano

Shinobu comes from a background in fashion, also holding a license in accounting. She dedicated over 10 years to the study of Baseworks Practice and is a senior teacher. Despite never really liking exercise or sport, she has felt that movement practice in relation to her experience practicing and teaching has greatly shifted her understanding

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Miyuki Sato Portrait

Miyuki Sato

This teacher is accredited in the Baseworks Teaching Methology and may be using the Baseworks applications in other teaching modalities.

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Kuri Takeshita Portrait

Kuri Takeshita

Kuri is a BASEWORKS Practice Tier 2 Certified Teacher (BT2). Already holding certifications as a personal trainer and instructor, Kuri’s interest in health and wellness led her to further pursue the link of the development of mind and body. While looking for a studio that would allow for deeper studies, Kuri discovered BASEWORKS Practice. Kuri

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Lui Watanabe Portrait

Lui Watanabe

This teacher is accredited in the Baseworks Teaching Methology and may be using the Baseworks applications in other teaching modalities.

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