Results for: "INSTRUCTOR"
Junko irie portrait

Junko Irie

This teacher is accredited in the Baseworks Teaching Methology and may be using the Baseworks applications in other teaching modalities.

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Mohan c thomas portrait

Mohan C Thomas

This teacher is accredited in the Baseworks Teaching Methology and may be using the Baseworks applications in other teaching modalities.

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Portrait Photograph of Asia Shcherbakova with her hair tied up.

Asia Shcherbakova

Asia (Ksenia) Shcherbakova (Asia pronounced Asha) was born in Saint Petersburg, Russia. With her father being a physicist, she grew up having immediate answers to all her questions about the world, from subatomic particles to galaxies. This stimulated both her curiosity about the world and the sense that nature was complex but cognizable.  Utilizing the

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Yukiko miyazaki portrait

Yukiko Miyazaki

This teacher is accredited in the Baseworks Teaching Methology and may be using the Baseworks applications in other teaching modalities.

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Masae shimizu portrait

Masae Shimizu

This teacher is accredited in the Baseworks Teaching Methology and was certified to teach the FOUNDATION module.

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