Here you can find some of the comments we’ve received over the years from people who have benefited from Baseworks Practice, particularly from the Foundation and Elements practice sessions. Some people have practiced with us physically, while others have achieved excellent results through 100% online practice.

You can see how these people from diverse backgrounds described the changes they experienced from Baseworks. They also compare Baseworks to other physical modalities they are familiar with or describe how Baseworks improved their performance in other practices.



Practice Format:
In-Person / Online
Practice record:
Foundation – 77, Elements – 84

Compare Baseworks to other physical practices.

I feel like it can be a foundation to everything.
I play tennis, and I notice the difference in how I use my body and my sense of stability.



Practice Format:
Practice record:
Foundation – 46, Elements – 45

What have you gained from Baseworks Practice?

Increase in strength, mobility and flexibility as well as – probably most importantly – overall body awareness. It’s simply an incredible experience to continuously work on something and, eventually, see the benefits (e.g. I learned to go into headstand within 4 months).

Body awareness, Effects, Physical


Practice Format:
Practice record:
Foundation – 55, Elements – 57

Compare Baseworks to other physical practices.

It did not strain my body the way other forms of exercise have in the past (e.g. yoga, gym circuit training), which was a new and satisfying experience for me. I had no muscle pain the next day, even after doing several classes in one day.



Practice Format:
Practice record:
Foundation – 172, Elements – 122, Other public classes -2, Master Classes/Courses – 12

Compare Baseworks to other physical practices.

No other sport has encouraged me this much to be aware of my own body, to see and work with my limitations.



Practice Format:
In-Person / Online
Practice record:
Foundation – 65, Elements – 97, Other public classes -16, Master Classes/Courses – 5

What have you gained from Baseworks Practice?

I Learned to notice and be aware of my own body change and how to work with my body.

– Physical pain is partly gone, especially back, legs, because I’m no longer stretching myself too hard.

– Learned that no need to compare to others, focus on my own progress.

Body awareness, Effects, Mental, Physical


Practice Format:
Practice record:
Foundation – 94, Elements – 122

What have you gained from Baseworks Practice?

・Gradual improvement in physical strength, that I could feel in my daily life the more I practiced
・Being able to notice when lack of physical movement was starting to have an adverse effect
・My eye resolution when looking at things has improved. I was surprised.
・I was able to observe the movement of my emotions through my body.
・I realized that there are various ways to prevent my emotions from playing with me, and that I can surely be more disciplined.

Effects, Mental, Physical


Practice Format:
Practice record:
Foundation – 71, Elements – 71

What have you gained from Baseworks Practice?

From a physical level, the general condition of my body has improved, especially around my hip/groin/pelvis area where I believe I was very tight.

Effects, Physical


Practice Format:
In-Person / Online
Practice record:
Foundation – 119, Elements – 101, Master Classes/Courses – 1

What have you gained from Baseworks Practice?

To accept where I am.
To be more mindful of the quality of my movements.
To realize my limits and constraints and seeing the way forward.

Effects, Mental


Practice Format:
In-Person / Online
Practice record:
Foundation – 201, Elements – 206, Other public classes -39, Master Classes/Courses – 3

What have you gained from Baseworks Practice?

Increased sensitivity to bodily awareness.

Body awareness, Effects


Practice Format:
In-Person / Online
Practice record:
Foundation – 130, Elements – 169, Other public classes -88, Master Classes/Courses – 10

What have you gained from Baseworks Practice?

A major thing for me was cultivating the awareness of my own body and a sense of energy. I feel that I have received great support both physically and mentally,

Body awareness, Effects, Mental, Physical


Practice Format:
Practice record:
Foundation – 52, Elements – 54

Compare Baseworks to other physical practices.

I felt that Baseworks practice is a physical practice that gives you a sense of accomplishment and relaxation over a long period of time, rather than the short-term feeling of accomplishment and relaxation you get from other physical exercises.



Practice Format:
Practice record:
Foundation – 71, Elements – 92

What have you gained from Baseworks Practice?

I felt the difference between yoga and running. I have been doing yoga for over 10 years, and when I was supporting my body, I mainly focused on my core and dantien, but when I didn’t practice yoga, my posture was out of balance. However, by learning to move with awareness of the center of the body and the basic stance in Baseworks Practice, my entire body became more active and my posture improved. Using the same principle, in running, instead of only focusing on the core, I am activating my body all the way to the fingertips. Previously, all I could do to run 3km, but now I can run 8km because I can distribute my body’s strength when running.

Comparissons, Effects, Physical


Practice Format:
In-Person / Online
Practice record:
Foundation – 69, Elements – 68

Compare Baseworks to other physical practices.

I come from a mindset to push harder, be stronger, run faster, always go go go. I thought that made me better.
In BWP you can’t do that. I found I was weak in areas I thought I was strong. Both physically and mentally. Both I have to constantly practice at to get better, but in two totally different ways.



Practice Format:
In-Person / Online
Practice record:
Foundation – 69, Elements – 68

What have you gained from Baseworks Practice?

To slow down.
To listen to my body and have more body awareness.
To adapt.
To appreciate where I am in the now.

Effects, Mental


Practice Format:
Practice record:
Foundation – 172, Elements – 122, Other public classes -2, Master Classes/Courses – 12

What have you gained from Baseworks Practice?

A better body awareness and self awareness, learning more about the peculiarities of my body and about it’s limitations, learning how to work with my limitations as well as with minor injuries, improved self-confidence, heightened strength, flexibility and stamina.

Body awareness, Effects, Mental, Physical


Practice Format:
Practice record:
Foundation – 71, Elements – 71

Compare Baseworks to other physical practices.

I often attend hot yoga Vinyasa classes and what I have learnt in Baseworks I also apply now in these classes to engage my whole body to a higher level. Baseworks has taught me a far more in depth account of how to move my body during a regular yoga class.



Practice Format:
In-Person / Online
Practice record:
Foundation – 75, Elements – 79, Master Classes/Courses – 4

What have you gained from Baseworks Practice?

– Increase body awareness
– what are my limitations and how I can work to improve my mobility, strength and flexibility
– no injuries! Sustainable practice!

Body awareness, Effects, Physical


Practice Format:
Practice record:
Foundation – 82, Elements – 75, Other public classes -7, Master Classes/Courses – 3

What have you gained from Baseworks Practice?

Knowing achievements comes from practice, practice and practice. Incremental improvement matters.

Effects, Mental


Practice Format:
In-Person / Online
Practice record:
Foundation – 113, Elements – 182, Other public classes -72, Master Classes/Courses – 5

Compare Baseworks to other physical practices.

I was doing ball games and martial arts, but I felt that Baseworks was safer than other training in terms of all aspects, such as the Distributed Activation and focusing on the thoracic and lumbar spine.



Practice Format:
Practice record:
Foundation – 71, Elements – 92

What have you gained from Baseworks Practice?

By polishing my sensitivity, the body awareness has increased.

Body awareness, Effects


Practice Format:
Practice record:
Foundation – 77, Elements – 78

What have you gained from Baseworks Practice?

At first, the load was so heavy that it made my muscles ache, but I gradually got used to the movement, and it was very interesting to observe how my ability to be concious of various body areas was expanding and deepening. Each time, I was discovering new challenges and changed the way I dealt with them. I experienced how a regular practice led to a steady transformation of my body. In particular, my right knee used to be weakened due to an injury, but I learned how to work on and improve the muscle strength and flexibility of my right leg as a whole.

Body awareness, Effects, Physical


Practice Format:
In-Person / Online
Practice record:
Foundation – 65, Elements – 97, Other public classes -16, Master Classes/Courses – 5

Compare Baseworks to other physical practices.

Compare to “yoga”, it improved my body in a safer and healthier way. Not necessarily over-stretching myself and push myself to become perfect on the forms. But intead, it is more about how to work with my own body and mental status. e.g. if today I’m too tired, I can reduce my energy and practice.



Practice Format:
Practice record:
Foundation – 77, Elements – 78

Compare Baseworks to other physical practices.

The movement quality in Baseworks, when the entire body is activated in a static state with a lot of attention, is very different from dynamic movement in dance or surfing. However, when practicing dynamic sports, I noticed that by applying this awareness, I could improve the precision of movement and contribute to the prevention of injuries.



Practice Format:
Practice record:
Foundation – 55, Elements – 57

What have you gained from Baseworks Practice?

Better muscle tone (and I found that in fact my muscles which would usually be very stiff from continuous desk-work were not as stiff as before).

Effects, Physical


Practice Format:
In-Person / Online
Practice record:
Foundation – 90, Elements – 102, Other public classes -7

What have you gained from Baseworks Practice?

My body awareness improved. In my daily life, I have become able to catch the state of discomfort before I feel pain or fatigue.

Body awareness, Effects, Physical


Practice Format:
Practice record:
Foundation – 66, Elements – 80

What have you gained from Baseworks Practice?

Mentally, I feel that my horizons have broadened considerably through practice. I think that I deepened my self-analysis and self-understanding through Baseworks because I felt that deepening my daily practice was quite linked to thinking deeply about my direction.
I think the biggest difference is that my horizons have expanded and I was able to see my current situation as it is without judging whether it is good or bad. There are too many changes in my daily life due to the change in perspective, but it was a big change.

Effects, Mental


Practice Format:
Practice record:
Foundation – 71, Elements – 71

What have you gained from Baseworks Practice?

I am a lot more flexible and physically healthier and stronger. I also feel a lot closer to my body now.

Effects, Mental


Practice Format:
In-Person / Online
Practice record:
Foundation – 113, Elements – 182, Other public classes -72, Master Classes/Courses – 5

What have you gained from Baseworks Practice?

[When doing online practice] Rather than being taught directly at the studio, I spent more time facing myself and thinking about ‘why’. Each time, I was able to improve it in the next time I practiced, and challenge myself. Instead of just practicing earnestly, it led to a practice while looking at myself objectively.

Effects, Mental


Practice Format:
Practice record:
Foundation – 66, Elements – 80

Compare Baseworks to other physical practices.

In ballet, pursuing beauty, there are a lot of movements that put strain on the body, and I had a lot of injuries. So in ballet, it is natural to go to chiropractic and osteopathic clinics. I thought it would be good to use Baseworks for conditioning.
I find that the Fixing-Separating-Isolating movements also often appear in ballet.
the movement of fixing and separating is a movement that often appears in ballet. It feels similar. I also feel that the Baseworks technique of using isometric contractions when lifting the arms without momentum and trying to feel extension from the shoulder, is similar to the movement in ballet, where you lift the arms in a way that looks beautiful.



Practice Format:
Practice record:
Foundation – 66, Elements – 80

What have you gained from Baseworks Practice?

Physically, my body has changed quite a bit. I didn’t expect my body to change that much. As I’ve been practicing general yoga on a regular basis, I really wasn’t expecting that my body could change this much. Specifically, I became more flexible, lost excess body fat, and overall I’ve become much leaner. My weight hasn’t changed much. I’ve gained about 1kg. I feel, the outline of my body has changed.
I used to get headaches from stiff shoulders after I walking around with my 13kg daughter in my arms all day, but now I almost never get pain after holding her.
On the other hand, when I couldn’t practice for a long time due to irregular circumstances such as being busy or sick, I felt tired and stiff, and felt like I had to practice.

Effects, Physical


Practice Format:
Practice record:
Foundation – 94, Elements – 122

Compare Baseworks to other physical practices.

I don’t do any other sports these days, so it’s a comparison to what I was doing before I trained with Baseworks, but in typical yoga classes, it’s all about being able to complete a static pose, and it’s almost like the attention is turned outwards. Whereas, a big difference I felt in Baseworks was that I was able to focus on and feel the connections within my body.



Practice Format:
Practice record:
Foundation – 71, Elements – 71

Compare Baseworks to other physical practices.

I feel a complete detox of emotions and negative energies every time I finish practicing Baseworks. This is something that I have never gained through any other sports



Practice Format:
Practice record:
Foundation – 52, Elements – 54

What have you gained from Baseworks Practice?

Physically, my body changed, and I felt my feet firmly on the ground, both physically and mentally. I was able to concentrate and pay attention to the details of my body and my mind.

Body awareness, Effects, Mental, Physical


Practice Format:
Practice record:
Foundation – 71, Elements – 92

Compare Baseworks to other physical practices.

I’m flexible, but I haven’t had a Headstand for years. By training daily at Baseworks Practice, I was able to activate the shoulders supporting the headstand, the strength of the arms, the whole body, and the legs (I was never told this in any other class), and do it without the support of the wall.
I have never encountered a technique similar to Distributed Activation in any yoga so far, and I learned a lot about what is important to truly support the body.



Practice Format:
In-Person / Online
Practice record:
Foundation – 77, Elements – 84

What have you gained from Baseworks Practice?

I was able to focus on my body and sensations.
I was able to understand my range of motion and strength.
I noticed that every time I practice my body is different.

Body awareness, Effects, Mental