Results for: "Self Knowledge"
Scaffolding for behavior change 2

Scaffolding for Behavior Change

Behavior change is subtle, sometimes not even visible. Yet the day-to-day action one takes is what evolves us to be who we are into the future, and what we do here and now is what directs the shift in direction.

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Seasons of life 2

Seasons of Life

Life emanates the concept of cyclicity. We are like the seasons, constantly in flux, experiencing subtle differences, every single moment.

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Why you may want to commit 2

Why you may want to commit

I see more and more people these days who jump from one thing to another without giving anything a more augmented try. It’s no surprise, given the plethora of choices and limited time. The irony is the more sensational or readily appealing and available something is, the faster people tend to both go for it, and before long, opt-out…..

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Satoko horie movement is transformation 2

Movement is Transformation

Find creative ways in bringing movement into your life by starting one step at a time. Moving the body not only transforms our physical condition, but also our state of mind for a more mindful awareness in our lives, that in turn enhance our overall productivity, creativity and wellbeing.

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