Results for: "INSTRUCTOR"
Junko shimada portrait

Junko Shimada

Junko is a BASEWORKS Practice Tier 3 Certified Teacher (BT3). For Junko, her path has been a result achieved through cumulative practice, while at the same time being something that offers her the opportunity and the wider perspective needed to truly learn to know herself by letting go of things that had held her down.

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Miyuki sato portrait

Miyuki Sato

This teacher is accredited in the Baseworks Teaching Methology and may be using the Baseworks applications in other teaching modalities.

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Jacqueline west portrait

Jacqueline West

This teacher is accredited in the Baseworks Teaching Methology and may be using the Baseworks applications in other teaching modalities.

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Megumi fukiage portrait

Megumi Fukiage

Megumi is a BASEWORKS Practice Tier 1 Certified Teacher (BT1). Having spent her professional life as a fashion stylist and show-window decorator, Megumi currently operates a private select shop. With a background in classical Japanese dance from the age of 3 to 23, Megumi discovered BASEWORKS Practice in the process of finding a medium to

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