It would be difficult to find a person who did not want to perform better mentally.

Physical activity is known to improve mental performance. But does it make a difference which physical activities you choose?


Any type of physical activity is essentially movement.

Many types of physical activities primarily focus on developing muscles rather than the brain.

Yet still:

  • almost any physical activity will increase the blood flow to the brain
  • physical activity is known to stimulate neuroplasticity
  • physical activity is known to reduce the symptoms of depression and stress

Which is all good…. but could we do even better than that? What if we choose physical activity which works on the brain directly?


At Baseworks, we are very interested in what movement does specifically to the brain irrespective of the general positive effects of physical activity.

Baseworks Practice is a movement approach designed to improve:

  • posture and motor control, which has endless health benefits, changes body language, adds self-confidence…
  • concentration and the ability to continuously focus attention to several things at the same time
  • dexterity and spatial awareness, which translates to better spatial cognition and problem solving
  • interoceptive awareness, which translates into a better understanding of one’s emotions……..the first step for better self-regulation
  • proprioceptive awareness, which translates into better motor coordination, sense of rhythm and spatial awareness
  • ability to regulate stress levels, which is crucial for anyone at any stage of life


One of the main objectives of Baseworks as an information/experience sharing platform is to highlight the effect of movement practices on faculties of human experience.


  • Using interactive movement to better understand interpersonal and social dynamics
  • The relationship between spatial awareness and spatial cognition/problem-solving
  • Interoceptive and proprioceptive awareness in therapeutic approaches to reduce activation of the stress cascades
  • Movement practice as a biofeedback intervention for improving mental functions