Results for: "Core Strength"
Satoko Horie doing a side plank

Working With and Against Gravity

In this VS, we will bring awareness to how the gravitational force works on us and how to best move in relation to it. We will start by selecting specific forms/movements that work in relation to different gravitational pulls to familiarize ourselves with this idea. Based on this, we will explore…..

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Satoko horie (en) pursuit for fluidity and grace in movement (yj twit)

Pursuit for Fluidity and Grace in Movement

In this VS, we dig into the concept of Connecting Strategy and uncover ways in which one can effectively and efficiently move better during one’s practice, both for the practice of Baseworks itself, as well as any other movement modalities.

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Photo of Patrick Oancia with info about this event: Debunking the mythology of CORE strength

Debunking the mythology of core strength

The entire health, fitness and wellness industry is fixated on CORE strength development as the key to athletic progress. Often, the emphasis is either the abdominal sheath and or pelvic floor. Yet understanding the relationship that all the muscles, tendons ligaments and cartilage have on stabilizing and mobilizing all the major joint complexes opens the

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