Results for: "Embodied Cognition"
Photo of a baseworks teacher leading a workshop inside a big studio with lots of students behind her.

Baseworks Movement Principles: Toronto

This workshop will introduce a unique perspective on creativity and physical education. Participants will be introduced to the key concepts and principles of Baseworks, gain insights from our research, and learn practical strategies for understanding, performing, and teaching any aspect of physical movement.

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Satoko horie (en) pursuit for fluidity and grace in movement (yj twit)

Pursuit for Fluidity and Grace in Movement

In this VS, we dig into the concept of Connecting Strategy and uncover ways in which one can effectively and efficiently move better during one’s practice, both for the practice of Baseworks itself, as well as any other movement modalities.

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Asia shcherbakova mystery of proprioceptive awareness 2

The Mystery of Proprioceptive Awareness

A commonly recognized category/keyword which overlaps with my #1 is “body awareness.” There’s quite a bit written about “the benefits of body awareness”. However, the term is used inconsistently and a clear definition is rarely provided. It may refer to a range of things –

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Why you may want to commit 2

Why you may want to commit

I see more and more people these days who jump from one thing to another without giving anything a more augmented try. It’s no surprise, given the plethora of choices and limited time. The irony is the more sensational or readily appealing and available something is, the faster people tend to both go for it, and before long, opt-out…..

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Satoko horie movement is transformation 2

Movement is Transformation

Find creative ways in bringing movement into your life by starting one step at a time. Moving the body not only transforms our physical condition, but also our state of mind for a more mindful awareness in our lives, that in turn enhance our overall productivity, creativity and wellbeing.

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