Results for: "Contemplative Practice"
Satoko Horie Restoring Through Practice (bw)

Restoring Through Practice

This VS will explore the Baseworks Movement Principle: active stillness., utilizing breath to release tension, and how to promote good sleep. The objective, intention, awareness, and the way in which you guide yourself can make a huge difference.

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Seasons Of Life 2

Seasons of Life

Life emanates the concept of cyclicity. We are like the seasons, constantly in flux, experiencing subtle differences, every single moment.

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Why You May Want To Commit 2

Why you may want to commit

I see more and more people these days who jump from one thing to another without giving anything a more augmented try. It’s no surprise, given the plethora of choices and limited time. The irony is the more sensational or readily appealing and available something is, the faster people tend to both go for it, and before long, opt-out…..

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