Marina Da Luz Herbert Portrait

Marina Da Luz Herbert


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About Marina Da Luz Herbert:
BASEWORKS Practice Certified Teacher | BT2 | BA in International Trade: UNA, Brazil

Marina is a BASEWORKS Practice Tier 2 Certified Teacher (BT2). Marina was born and raised in Brazil and is a mother of 2. Marina has a degree in international trade with a background in finance. Upon moving to Japan from Switzerland, Marina had the desire to further her study in movement. In search for a teacher training to support this, she discovered BASEWORKS Practice. Marina has embraced the challenges and positive transformations that resulted from the practice. While attending the BASEWORKS Practice Teacher Training, Marina discovered a deeper personal life-purpose of sharing her own experience with others. She is fully committed daily practice and sharing as a teacher, embracing the combined experience as an evolutionary journey.


January 15-February 8, 2025

Smart Movement Study Program: Montreal

Starting January 2025, we are offering weekly Study Group sessions at two locations in Montreal..........




Smart Movement Study Program: Montreal

Starting January 2025, we are offering weekly Study Group sessions at two locations in Montreal..........