Results for: "Body Awareness"
Satoko Horie sitting on the floor with her legs extended demonstrating a reclining Baseworks form

Strength Building Techniques

In this VS, we will highlight specific forms from the Baseworks Method that can be practiced on their own to contribute to one’s strength as well as protect your joints from potential injury.

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Satoko horie restoring through practice (bw)

Restoring Through Practice

This VS will explore the Baseworks Movement Principle: active stillness., utilizing breath to release tension, and how to promote good sleep. The objective, intention, awareness, and the way in which you guide yourself can make a huge difference.

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acupuncture model with needles in the meridians.

Self-Regulation Wake-Up Call

How one approaches a practice is a key to building a self-sufficient fallback tool to reset across any circumstance. The secret is to re-discover and develop the ability to tune in to what is appropriate across the randomness of life.

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Yuval ayalon on playing training challenge

Yuval Ayalon: On Playing, Training & Challenge

In this conversation Patrick Oancia chats with Yuval Ayalon about his transition from being a kid swinging on trees, right through to being a competitive gymnast and then thereafter becoming a performance artist and finally ending up…….

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Photo of Asia Shcherbakova with details for GRAVITY & SYMMETRY for better body awareness and control

Gravity and Symmetry for better body awareness and control

In Baseworks, we are intentionally defining the goals of movements in a way which does not match how movement goals are habitually set by our motor system on a day-to-day basis. Breaking habitual movement patterns allows us to inspect the unconscious influences on our movements, build better body awareness and control. This VS will focus

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Asia shcherbakova mystery of proprioceptive awareness 2

The Mystery of Proprioceptive Awareness

A commonly recognized category/keyword which overlaps with my #1 is “body awareness.” There’s quite a bit written about “the benefits of body awareness”. However, the term is used inconsistently and a clear definition is rarely provided. It may refer to a range of things –

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