検索結果: "Baseworks プラクティス"
Photo of a baseworks teacher leading a workshop inside a big studio with lots of students behind her.

Baseworks Movement Principles: Toronto

This workshop will introduce a unique perspective on health, vitality, and physical education. Participants will be introduced to the key concepts and principles of Baseworks, gain insights from our research, and learn practical strategies for performing and teaching movement.

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Photo of the same student superimposed 4 times in a sequence of sequential movements leaning backward-while sitting on the floor

Baseworks Fundamentals: Montreal

In this Montreal workshop, we will give a practical introduction of the Baseworks movement principles and attention patterns, focusing on the development of spatial attention, confidence, stage performance, dealing with tension and more.

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[ja] 堀江 里子 背骨を 動員させる 2 (bw)



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drawing of a piano keyboard with the names of muscles on each key.

Muscle Key-Board

It’s a misconception that the motor cortex controls muscles like a keyboard. But in Baseworks practice, we are trying to use it more like a keyboard, making motor learning easier.

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[jp] satoko horie 異なる 支持基底を 探る (bw b)


このVSでは、異なる支持基底をもつ様々なフォルム/動きを取り上げ、Baseworksが支持基底と接している特定の体の部位を用いて安定性を高め、強度を育むことに どう貢献していくかをみていきます。

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Patrick oancia super body the inner work (bw banner) 1

Super Body: The Inner Work

This VS utilizes the Baseworks Sense, Control, Adapt framework to explore the idea of looking at the reality of ever-changing physical and environmental circumstances, the concept of struggle, and the cultivation of perception as integral components of physical development.

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Satoko horie (ja) working with and against gravity (bw banner)



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