Results for: "Baseworks Method"
Satoko Horie in a kneeling position with a flexed spine reclining in a transition to another movement.

Rooting the Foundation for More Skillful Movement

We all have the ability to refine our movements in a way that allows us to better control the movements. Although there is a tendency to associate skillful movement with something exclusive to athletes, dancers, professionals immersed in movement, any well-learned movement is a basic skill that allows us to better interact with the space

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Patrick Oancia teaching a student in a blue room.

Physical Limitations as Learning Advantages

A physical practice most often works toward developing stuff like strength, flexibility, joint mobility and coordination. When some or all of these things don’t get immediately dialed in, anyone can be left feeling deficient. And sadly, from outside, we look at someone’s superficial level proficiency in any of these things as credible. What we don’t

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Satoko Horie teaching a BAseworks session in Tokyo to a room full of students.

Finding Bilateral Balance and Symmetry in Asymmetry

Most animals are constructed in a way that their bodies are bilaterally symmetrical. As human beings, there is a natural tendency to find aesthetic beauty in what is more symmetrical versus asymmetrical. In Baseworks movement practices, we make a conscious effort to work on both sides of the body equally in a balanced way, at

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Asia Shcherbakova demonstrating a suspended Baseworks From in a large white room

Do More by Doing Less. Do Less by Doing More

When we reduce the intensity of muscular contractions and combine them with Micromovements, we increase the amount of sensory feedback from the muscles, engage finer muscle fibers, and have more attentional resources to allocate to our muscles without fatigue. At the same time, by engaging more muscles then necessary to perform a particular movement (and

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Drawing of a karate practitioner.

Quest For: The meaning of form

So we always try to clarify what the purpose of our form practice is in Baseworks. Let’s see how the continuity of form practice can lead to a better understanding of movement all around.

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Asia shcherbakova mystery of proprioceptive awareness 2

The Mystery of Proprioceptive Awareness

A commonly recognized category/keyword which overlaps with my #1 is “body awareness.” There’s quite a bit written about “the benefits of body awareness”. However, the term is used inconsistently and a clear definition is rarely provided. It may refer to a range of things –

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