Results for: "Baseworks Practice"
drawing of a piano keyboard with the names of muscles on each key.

Muscle Key-Board

It’s a misconception that the motor cortex controls muscles like a keyboard. But in Baseworks practice, we are trying to use it more like a keyboard, making motor learning easier.

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Photo of Satoko Horie demonstrating a baseworks form with her hands and feet on the gorund and her pelvis lifted in the air.

Exploring Differing Base of Support

In this VS, we will pick up different forms/movements with differing Base of Support and look into how Baseworks utilizes the contact with the Base of Support to enhance stability and contribute to building strength.

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Patrick oancia super body the inner work (bw banner) 1

Super Body: The Inner Work

This VS utilizes the Baseworks Sense, Control, Adapt framework to explore the idea of looking at the reality of ever-changing physical and environmental circumstances, the concept of struggle, and the cultivation of perception as integral components of physical development.

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Satoko Horie doing a side plank

Working With and Against Gravity

In this VS, we will bring awareness to how the gravitational force works on us and how to best move in relation to it. We will start by selecting specific forms/movements that work in relation to different gravitational pulls to familiarize ourselves with this idea. Based on this, we will explore…..

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Woman from an aerial view flexing her spine in a standing position.

Inflect Your Spine

In Linguistics, inflection is a change in the form of a word (typically the ending) to express a grammatical function (such as gender, number, person, or tense). In this VS, we will break down the INFLECT syntax to better….

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