検索結果: "生放送"
[ja] 堀江 里子 背骨を 動員させる 2 (bw)



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drawing of a piano keyboard with the names of muscles on each key.

Muscle Key-Board

It’s a misconception that the motor cortex controls muscles like a keyboard. But in Baseworks practice, we are trying to use it more like a keyboard, making motor learning easier.

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[jp] Satoko Horie 異なる 支持基底を 探る (bw B)


このVSでは、異なる支持基底をもつ様々なフォルム/動きを取り上げ、Baseworksが支持基底と接している特定の体の部位を用いて安定性を高め、強度を育むことに どう貢献していくかをみていきます。

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Patrick Oancia Super Body The Inner Work (bw Banner) 1

Super Body: The Inner Work

This VS utilizes the Baseworks Sense, Control, Adapt framework to explore the idea of looking at the reality of ever-changing physical and environmental circumstances, the concept of struggle, and the cultivation of perception as integral components of physical development.

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Satoko Horie (ja) Working With And Against Gravity (bw Banner)



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Woman from an aerial view flexing her spine in a standing postion.

Inflect Your Spine

In Linguistics, inflection is a change in the form of a word (typically the ending) to express a grammatical function (such as gender, number, person, or tense). In this VS, we will break down the INFLECT syntax to better….

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