Results for: "Sensorimotor Learning"
Satoko Horie doing a side plank

Working With and Against Gravity

In this VS, we will bring awareness to how the gravitational force works on us and how to best move in relation to it. We will start by selecting specific forms/movements that work in relation to different gravitational pulls to familiarize ourselves with this idea. Based on this, we will explore…..

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Woman from an aerial view flexing her spine in a standing position.

Inflect Your Spine

In Linguistics, inflection is a change in the form of a word (typically the ending) to express a grammatical function (such as gender, number, person, or tense). In this VS, we will break down the INFLECT syntax to better….

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Asia Shcherbakova sitting in a baseworks form on the floor teaching a group of students

Preconceptions in Movement Goal Setting

In this VS, we will first look at the “movement goal preconceptions” that we hold about daily movements. We will also discuss how these preconceptions may set us up for chronic injuries or prevent effective relearning.

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Satoko horie (en) pursuit for fluidity and grace in movement (yj twit)

Pursuit for Fluidity and Grace in Movement

In this VS, we dig into the concept of Connecting Strategy and uncover ways in which one can effectively and efficiently move better during one’s practice, both for the practice of Baseworks itself, as well as any other movement modalities.

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Satoko Horie sitting on the floor with her legs extended demonstrating a reclining Baseworks form

Strength Building Techniques

In this VS, we will highlight specific forms from the Baseworks Method that can be practiced on their own to contribute to one’s strength as well as protect your joints from potential injury.

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