Results for: "Events"
Baseworks stategy master class

Baseworks: Strategy Master Class Tokyo (Oct 2019)

Strategy Master Class highlights the qualities of the Baseworks Practice postural merging concept. The regulation of effort to transfer from one movement form to the next movement form provides a clear pathway to increasing complexity, while keeping gains safe and sustainable.

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Baseworks elements master class

Baseworks: Elements Master Class Tokyo (Sep 2019)

Element Master Class explores the practice concepts related to distributed strength, center of gravity transfer and regulation of energy expended during the practice. Students will learn about economizing effort to refine the quality of concentration.

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Fuji rock 2018


Fuji Rock Festival is an annual rock festival, featuring more than 200 Japanese and international musicians, making one of the largest and most prestigious outdoor music events in the world. Baseworks workshops will be held at the “Pyramid Garden” stage area produced by Candle JUNE all 3 days.

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Baseworks stategy master class

Baseworks: Strategy Master Class Tokyo

Strategy Master Class highlights the qualities of the Baseworks Practice postural merging concept. The regulation of effort to transfer from one movement form to the next movement form provides a clear pathway to increasing complexity, while keeping gains safe and sustainable.

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Baseworks elements master class

Baseworks: Elements Master Class Tokyo

Element Master Class explores the practice concepts related to distributed strength, center of gravity transfer and regulation of energy expended during the practice. Students will learn about economizing effort to refine the quality of concentration.

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Baseworks foundation master class

Baseworks: Foundation Master Class Tokyo

Foundation Master Class looks at the fundamental aspects of the Baseworks Practice Method. Both new and experienced students will get some great tips that will clarify the purpose of developing physical prerequisites to match personal condition.

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Fuji rock 2018


Fuji Rock Festival is an annual rock festival, featuring more than 200 Japanese and international musicians, making one of the largest and most prestigious outdoor music events in the world. Baseworks workshops will be held at the “Pyramid Garden” stage area produced by Candle JUNE all 3 days.

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