Over the years, we’ve organized events in more than 15 countries and online. Please take a look at the archive below to see what we have been up to.
Starting January 2025, we are offering weekly Study Group sessions at two locations in Montreal..........
Our Open Day offers an opportunity to connect with others interested in the intersection of movement, cognition, and professional development...........
This workshop will introduce a unique perspective on creativity and physical education. Participants will be introduced to the key concepts and principles of Baseworks, gain insights from our research, and learn practical strategies for understanding, performing, and teaching any aspect of physical movement......
In this Montreal workshop, we will give a practical introduction of the Baseworks movement principles and attention patterns, focusing on the development of spatial attention, confidence, stage performance, dealing with tension and more......
This workshop will focus on the concept of Physical Intelligence as it relates to increasing healthspan and productivity. In addition to the theoretical frameworks, the workshop will introduce the key Baseworks principles and movement patterns that can be......
This is a unique opportunity to explore an innovative approach to movement and body awareness. The program is designed for anyone interested in movement practices, dance, yoga, sustaining health, and optimizing physical and mental capacities.....
The lecture will emphasize the significance of various types of body awareness and control in the management of stress, injury prevention, alteration of habits, emotional regulation, self-understanding, and prolonging and squaring the health span curve......
This two-day workshop is designed for musicians who are open to employing unconventional learning strategies to deepen their understanding of how technical skills mesh with physical body conditioning and the expressive aspects of performance......
This lecture is for those interested in making informed decisions about their health and well-being. It covers topics such as understanding and managing one's physical health and mental state, as well as developing improved perceptual abilities for enhanced.....
This VS will focus on how we sense the body’s position in space utilizing the Baseworks gridlines and Symmetry principles......
In this VS, we will explore ways in which we can enhance the mobility of our spine and bring awareness to it......
Knowing the terms describing the method's movement vocabulary is essential to understand the instructions. This VS introduces Baseworks-specific terms to describe Baseworks movements......
It's a misconception that the motor cortex controls muscles like a keyboard. But in Baseworks practice, we are trying to use it more like a keyboard, making motor learning easier......
In this VS, we will pick up different forms/movements with differing Base of Support and look into how Baseworks utilizes the contact with the Base of Support to enhance stability and contribute to building strength......
This VS will focus on the Baseworks Distributed Activation principle for how to holistically approach strength-specific fitness goals......
This VS utilizes the Baseworks Sense, Control, Adapt framework to explore the idea of looking at the reality of ever-changing physical and environmental circumstances, the concept of struggle, and the cultivation of perception as integral components of physical development......
In this VS, we will bring awareness to how the gravitational force works on us and how to best move in relation to it. We will start by selecting specific forms/movements that work in relation to different gravitational pulls to familiarize ourselves with this idea. Based on this, we will.....
In Linguistics, inflection is a change in the form of a word (typically the ending) to express a grammatical function (such as gender, number, person, or tense). In this VS, we will break down the INFLECT syntax to better.........
This VS will cover some of the more refined practice applications that relate to developing a compounded understanding of the movement tasks and how they directly affect sustaining and informing the outcome......
In this VS, we will break down the concept of gridlines in Baseworks and break down forms/movements by seeing aspects of Symmetry as well as Asymmetry in each form/movement.....
In this VS, we will first look at the “movement goal preconceptions” that we hold about daily movements. We will also discuss how these preconceptions may set us up for chronic injuries or prevent effective relearning......