



Photo of the same student superimposed 4 times in a sequence of sequential movements leaning backward-while sitting on the floor
2024/05/25 , 09:00 ~12:00
In this workshop, we will focus on the movements and movement patterns introduced in the Baseworks Practice Foundation Module. It is an excellent all-in-one movement package that opens a doorway to understanding one’s body, its fundamental movement dynamics, structural and psychological limitations......
2024/10/05 ~2024/05/12
In this 3-day intensive, the life-long athlete/movement educator/artist/entrepreneur Patrick Oancia teams up with the neuroscientist Asia Shcherbakova to invite you to rethink modern approach to wellness, health, and physical education from the perspective of Baseworks......

イベント アーカイブ:

2022/12/21 , 12:00 ~13:30
This VS will focus on how we sense the body’s position in space utilizing the Baseworks グリッド線 and Symmetry principles. .....
2022/12/14 , 20:30 ~22:00
2022/12/07 , 12:00 ~13:30
Knowing the terms describing the method's movement vocabulary is essential to understand the instructions. This VS introduces Baseworks-specific terms to describe Baseworks movements......
2022/11/23 , 12:00 ~13:30
It's a misconception that the motor cortex controls muscles like a keyboard. But in Baseworks practice, we are trying to use it more like a keyboard, making motor learning easier......
2022/11/16 , 20:30 ~22:00
このVSでは、異なる支持基底をもつ様々なフォルム/動きを取り上げ、Baseworksが支持基底と接している特定の体の部位を用いて安定性を高め、強度を育むことに どう貢献していくかをみていきます。.....
2022/11/09 , 12:00 ~13:30
This VS will focus on the Baseworks Distributed Activation principle for how to holistically approach strength-specific fitness goals......
2022/10/19 , 12:00 ~13:30
This VS utilizes the Baseworks Sense, Control, Adapt framework to explore the idea of looking at the reality of ever-changing physical and environmental circumstances, the concept of struggle, and the cultivation of perception as integral components of physical development......
2022/10/12 , 20:00 ~21:30
2022/10/05 , 12:00 ~13:30
In Linguistics, inflection is a change in the form of a word (typically the ending) to express a grammatical function (such as gender, number, person, or tense). In this VS, we will break down the INFLECT syntax to better.........
2022/09/21 , 12:00 ~13:30
This VS will cover some of the more refined practice applications that relate to developing a compounded understanding of the movement tasks and how they directly affect sustaining and informing the outcome......
2022/09/14 , 20:00 ~21:30
2022/09/07 , 12:00 ~13:30
In this VS, we will first look at the “movement goal preconceptions” that we hold about daily movements. We will also discuss how these preconceptions may set us up for chronic injuries or prevent effective relearning......
2022/08/24 , 12:00 ~13:30
This VS will focus on the Baseworks Ignition and Assimilation practices to prime and assess the finer qualities of the experience......
2022/08/17 , 12:00 ~13:30
This VS will show how to use the Distributed Activation and Micromovements techniques to achieve deep relaxation......
2022/08/10 , 20:00 ~21:30
2022/07/27 , 14:00 ~15:30
This VS will cover topics in neuroscience and linguistics related to the Baseworks Method and our approach to physical education......
2022/07/20 , 08:00 ~09:30
2022/07/06 , 14:00 ~15:30
In this VS we will go over the Baseworks グリッド線 & Symmetry Principle that focuses on symmetrical and asymmetrical templates to establish awareness of tracing movements on a grid......
2022/06/22 , 20:00 ~21:30
2022/06/15 , 15:00 ~16:30
In this VS, we will first try to conceptually understand what it means to “understand something viscerally” and then we will break down some key TRANSPOSE-focused forms......
2022/06/09 , 14:00 ~15:30
This VS will explore a holistic approach to individualized practice utilizing several Baseworks Forms as multifaceted containers to build from......
2022/05/01 ~2022/07/03
毎月 第二, 第四 土曜日 午前9:45-11:15 開催 (2022年7月3日まで)。各セッションはBaseworks認証講師によって進められ、繰り返しと分析をとおしてBaseworksの主な動きの原則の理解に対する理解を段階的に深めていくことに特に着目していきます。.....
2022/05/01 ~2022/07/03
毎月 第一, 第三, 第五 土曜日 午前9:45-11:15 開催 (2022年7月3日まで)。各セッションはBaseworks認証講師によって進められ、繰り返しと分析をとおしてBaseworksの主な動きの原則の理解に対する理解を段階的に深めていくことに特に着目していきます。.....
2022/04/20 , 08:00 ~09:30
2022/03/26 , 16:21 ~16:21
2022/02/28 , 16:23 ~16:23
In this VS, we will breakdown 2 strategies of how we can improve stability and movement control......
2022/02/16 , 16:23 ~21:30
In this VS, we examine how to become sensitive to the unique condition your body is in and how to apply the Baseworks Form and Practice Intensity variations to fit the reality on any day. .....
2020/08/29 , 16:23 ~16:23
この生放送バーチャルセッションでは、背骨の 屈曲-伸展-屈曲 という動きをとおし、背骨の動きを感じ、操作する能力を改善していきます。.....